Yan Yan Hung
- Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, The University of Melbourne
- Postgraduate Certificate in Narrative Practice, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Master of Social Policy, University of Birmingham
- Bachelor of Social Work, The University of Hong Kong
- Personality Dimension® Level I Certified Facilitator
- English
- Cantonese
- Mandarin
- Individual
- Youth
- Family
- Parenting
- Bereavement
- $650/50 minutes
Instead of exploring around pathological symptoms or conducting prompt assessment and diagnosis about any disorders, my curiosity always lies first in how people respond to and survive through the predicaments in their lives. It is one of my intentions to provide different sorts of platforms for the persons I meet to have their own stories told and heard. Each single story should be tenderly treated.
I am a registered social worker and a narrative therapist. I have been privileged to be given opportunities to work in different settings, including family services, secondary schools, supervisors for social work students, and tertiary sector. In fact, there are numerous of genre in counselling and each has its own philosophies and characters. In my opinion, however, one of the crucial areas of counselling is to explore possible alternatives in life and re-position those persons’ life preferences, so that they may feel better to jump over the life hurdles. Ups and downs are normal and inevitable in life. Please do NOT feel that you have to be “problematic” enough before talking a counsellor.
In the past 10+ years of practice, there are some important principles highlighting my work:
• The counsellor does NOT, in many circumstances, provide any direct nor “professional” advice on life. You are always the expert of your life and the problems you have encountered.
• The counsellor does NOT pathologize clients. The person is the person. The problem is the problem. They are not the same.
• The counsellor does NOT center the conversation. You are always the focus of the conversation. The counsellor prefers listening than teaching, curiosity than assumption, multi-storied than single-storied.
I am so fortunate as these principles have opened my heart to listen to numerous touching and inspiring stories. That leads me to appreciate more on the uniqueness and possibility in each person and to realize how vital it is for people to feel they have the authorship to change their own stories and that they get to choose their own way of living.
Look forward to your story.